Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is there a code to view myspace messages?

My friend is suspicions to know if her boyfriend is cheating or if he is talking to anyone other than her(thats a girl).Shes not a jealous person at all.She just doesnt want to get hurt in the long run.Its her senior year and she wants to settle down and find out who she really loves.There are alot of girls commenting him saying 'read you messages and message me back'

SO that is why my friend is so suspicions.

Is there anyway she can view his messages without having his password or email address?

(she would talk to him about it,but doesnt want him to get mad and break uo with her)

Is there a code to view myspace messages?

Set up a fake space Dateline "To Catch a Predator" style. Under that profile, send him a message and see what he does.

Is there a code to view myspace messages?

No there is no way that she can read his messages without knowing his password. Sometimes women's intuition is more than enough. If she is concerned, then she can bring it up to him %26amp; if he flips out b/c of that, then there is her answer but if he's not up to anything, then he won't act like a monkey about the situation. Good luck!

Is there a code to view myspace messages?

Nope Sorry, thee is no way unless she gets his password.

She should tell him that his messaging other girls is bothering her, if he won't stop and she keeps seeing the activity on his page...She should break up with him.

Is there a code to view myspace messages?

nope =( sorry. the only way she can get in is to get into his email account linked to the myspace. and click the forgot password and get it through email so she can log into his page. i wish there was a code! i'd use it all the time lol

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