Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

ive tried all the age-old tricks. i need results here people. haha

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

There used to be methods of viewing private profiles (i.e. Past Cache, Firefox, etc), but all of those little loopholes were closed down by the myspace maintenance team over time. The last surviving way was called past cache, which enabled you to expose the past loopholes that myspace had closed by exposing the user's html codes, but past cache was disabled as well as of about a month and a half ago.

As of now, the private profile is completely secured. There IS NO WAY, other than the traditional friend request.


Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

ask them nicely. Please, be my friend. If they say yes then you are in!

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

Only if the profile owner adds you as a friend.

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

uhm no? thats why they are private(so you CANT see them)

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

Well, I'm sorry to say you're not going to get any results 0.0

A bunch of people are going to suggest creating a fake profile and then get the person to add that profile so you can view it like a friend would.

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

You must add the person as a friend first to view their profile..

Hope that helped!

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

if they add you as a friend.

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

only if you add them

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

How about being added on as a friend like the rest of us! Haha

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

Nope. Unless your a pro-hacker, your gonna have to add em as a friend.

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

You obviously know that you have to be added as their friend so why haven't you tried that? Or are you trying to mystalk them or something?

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

there is no way. sorry. but u can always make a fake myspace and add them. :)

hope it helps =)

Is there any way to view private myspace profiles?

Just add them, or hack into someones profile that is there friend. And theres no other way really then that...

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